Peril in Manacing Throb
Peril In Menacing Throb
Before the time of the brilliant minds and the year where human know how to count, the world was unite under the same monarch by a contract said to have the power to abolish the right of men and rightful freedom. It was a gift for the keeper but a curse for those who oppose or silent. The contract was known as Regola or the final voice.
We call the day; The Universe’s Mourning Day.
Title: Peril in Menacing Throb
Author: Pararae
Genre: Action, dark, AH, martial arts, drama, fantasy, historical, sci-fi, supernatural, tragedy.
Rating: PG18
Background: Alternate Universe
Length: Chaptered
David Winster
Karen von Krofilge
Alice of Scout – 5590 (Mimi)
Alice of Tamer – 7193 (Raven)
Alice of Knight – 6894 (Danielle)
Alice of Hunter - 4315 (Lilith)
Alice of Archer – 8876 (Alex)
Alice of Sorcerer – 7113 (Riviera)
A modern translation claimed that Alice is a leader for a group of fighter, the respectable one who will lead the front line of thousand of battalions. But the ancient history told that Alice is a slave for men of army. It’s funny how these two meanings contradicted each other and it’s even funnier how people nowadays use it for a wrong purpose…
But what if both of the translations are correct?
A person who’s a leader of army and a slave for mankind?
Will such person exist?
Or will it just be another myth?
There is a saying agreed by those of the upper hands, that human is ignorant.
Castle of Sand
In the quietly waiting castle...
In a thirsty time of change.
Ah ash colored me...
is just vanishing slowly...
Need to die...
Gather the stars...
and building a castle of sand.
Where I utter a soft prayer...
Ambushed by those footsteps.
Falling into dust...
Flowing away...
Translation of: Suna No Oshiro
Composed by: Mana
Artist: Kanon Wakeshima
What will you do if there is a man, a complete stranger tells you that he can gives you a brand new life, in which you will gain whatever you desire; money, influence, power, endless fame. Will you trust in that harmless offer that will change your entire life drastically? But what if you need to surrender your precious possession in return of the wager? Will you still sign the menacing contract or will you lead the same boring life in the common hectic city?
The choice is in your hand…
“Have you ever wondered what lies behind this district you grow up in?” A light whisper enchanted the small girl under its alluring spell; trap her in her own little fantasy. Her dark brown eyes twinkled like a healthy star at night and her innocent beauty shined over the mother sun. “Have you ever wondered how life outside this field?” Another light whisper tapped her ears, succumbed her inside the bewildered question that soon bring her into a state of wonder. A pair of dark brown orbs shafted into her eyes, locking the pure stare of the small kid, a gentle and father-like gaze.
They haven’t met for more than 10 minutes but the girl felt as if they have known each other for a long time. The infantile thinking of the pure wit lost in the sea of troubling daze, pulling the small girl deeper into this little conversation they had. The soft and calm face of the older man seem to work like a magnet pole, pulling the little girl closer and held her as his willing hostage.
“Yes,” A small naïve voice replied, not twitching an inch. The fact that she was sitting alone on the bench near the field and was talking to a stranger didn’t bother her immature self, only letting the cunning man having a complete control over her mind. Some boys were playing football, yelled over the field beating the sound of the vehicles from the street, a typical activity of the bachelors to show off their skill and charm to the ladies.
“What’s your name, little child?” The older man moved closer and wrapped the small hand inside his rough and warm one. The girl noticed the small tattoo on the back of his right hand. It gave a shape of a messy tangled rope tied around a dying snake, disgusting but enticing at the same time. It bothered her why a middle aged man would have such a painting on his hand. It unmatched the fatherly aura the man held that easily managed to stir a sense of trust inside the little girl. The deception caring eyes stared deeper into the innocent orbs and a friendly smile curved above his jaw, sending an instant jolt down the girl’s spine, a subtle command to answer his question.
“Mimi,” A petite reply came from the cherry full lips, eyes locked inside the dominant stare. A rush of white panic crashed the girl under its weight, punching her pride mercilessly, and pounding into her small and frail body. She screamed for help but no one heard her as if her yelled simply drifted away into another world through the thin air. The elder vanished like an event in the movie, deleted by the film editor while taking the warmth along with him. She was drifting off the bench and away like a meaningless dead leaf from the green field where a bunch of kids playing football, following the current of the wind pace that soon brought her into a pitch of obscurity. A thin, misty fog wrapped around the small stature like a fine silk cloth, beating her furious struggle for escape and dragged her into a complete, deafening darkness.
Chapter 1
A small figure flung off her bed, running away from the anxiety that keep haunting her in her dream. Fear draped every inch of her flesh, replacing the thin white shirt she wore that night. The memories of her first meeting with David foxtrot inside her head, kicking the thick patience out of her. She wrapped the warm, soft blanket around her body and rocked herself in soothing manner. The blanket as if was protecting her from the darkness from taking her away, a safety pot for a fragile flower. Her mind filled with painful memories, her thirst for freedom killed her and she so much like a pathetic puppy that can’t do anything to help herself out.
This is not the first time she had nightmare, the very same memory kept on playing in her dream as if she was worthless in getting rid of it. She tried her best, nevertheless. She occupied most of her time at school; trying to fill her mind with some other things so she won’t start to think about it. The effort she spilled to blink the memory out of her mind is provably much more tiring and difficult than to keep her body in shape. The guilt hit her menacingly, draining all her might and she felt disgusted of her own flesh. She needed something to pry the unbearable burden off her shaking shoulder and she needed it desperately. The short girl jumped to her wobbly knees, leaving her bed in mess like she always did and made her way toward the bathroom to clean her dirty self.
The morning had nothing new to offer, just the same boring lifeless hallway that she sure will stay the way it was until her soul decided to fail her. Making her way toward the first floor and to the kitchen where it grew boring in her eyes to see the same white, steel utensils everyday which she never find the need to use them. The white sleeveless shirted girl flipped her waist-length wavy hair that fell on her face before she reached for the silver curved hand bar and opened the ice box. She hated a cold meat but it need to be kept in low temperature to preserve it longevity. Despite her fussy stomach, begging for a warm, fresh meat, the small slender fingers cut the raw meat into two with her long pointed nails that curved inward in shape of a hook, leaving the bright red painted nails, tainted with the meat’s half-frozen blood.
The girl didn’t seem to bother and licked the body fluid of vertebrates before she placed it on a glass plate and served it on the small round dining table. Even though her breakfast was a little unappetizing, her stomach growled in joy to see a bright reddish liquid bag in the cabinet above the working table where 15 types of knives in different sizes kept in an open plastic case. A sly smile crept above her jaw as she snatched the white bulging plastic bag and hurried to get a snifter to pour the liquid in. The aroma of the fresh fare tickled her hunger, urging her to move faster and gobbled it down. As soon as she settled herself in the white stool with the set of simple breakfast, a loud ring vibrated in her jeans pouch, making her sighed at the unwelcome interruption. Raven punched the green button and answered the call.
“Office, now.” Even before she could digest the short message, the line went dead, leaving the annoying beep behind before it went into a free mode. Raven sighed again, eyeing her breakfast with a long pout, thinking whether to continue with her meal and serve her punishment of hearing the usual scolding for making the old man wait or she could leave the already cold breakfast behind to turn green when she comes back home tonight. Either way, she was at a losing end. After almost like a minute, Raven imbibed the addictive drink in one hatch, leaving the cold meat behind before she sprang off her seat and reached for her black coat.
Far beyond the city gate, out of the sight of common men, a tall, ancient castle stood proudly near the edge of the cliff among the green trees which contradict the color of its dull, grey wall. The building was purely made by brick and stone with thick mossy lining along cleaves between the arranged brick wall that went straight into a perfect square before it bended into a crooked curve at each edge of the castle. A new block of dorm sat close to the east side of the building, almost attached completely to the wall. It took a shape of a triangle that curved inward at the hypotenuse with its two edges that resembled the moon outline which will glow magnificently during sun eclipse when the moonlight was directly reflected to the castle from the big black lake inside the partially closed circle among the garden of white roses.
The roof was tinted with dark brown color of dirt caused by thousand years of acid rains and air pollutions, and some of the tiles were badly corroded. But despite some missing pieces and old appearance, the pointed roof of four towers stood strong above the thick wooden rails that keep it attached to the tower as if there was an invisible force that kept it in place. The roof of the main hall however, curve inward, taking a shape of V with its vertex pointed sharply into the hallway, leaving only 7 feet height free space for any resident to move around the narrow hallway which connected the four towers’ main doors around the square building.
A set of pavement carved on the fresh wet ground, led to the castle that has been built before the recorded history begun, still shone brightly as it is embedded with fragments of black diamond, giving a leading headway for any visitor wished to visit the castle. A slight ruffled among the bushes startled some forest creatures as a flock of ravens flew off the branches above her head, looking for a quieter place to reside. Raven moved among the trees as she kept her eyes on the shining pavements, moving as fast as her legs can carry her without losing the sight of the glowing stones, acting as an arrow, guided to the castle. As soon as a tall gate came to her sight, she looked up and sighed deeply at the forbidden chamber.
She just visited the same castle yesterday and the day before, and here she was again, standing in the same place she was in since that day. Even though her instinct screamed for her to go back and eat the meat, left on the marble slab and forget the call today. But she forced her legs to move forward as her might folded around her guts to push the gate opened, wide enough for her to fit through. The castle offered neither warm welcome nor a happy vibe; instead it stayed dull as if colors just drained off the universe and it didn’t make things better that her stomach churned in a funny way. This is bad. This is very bad. She can felt it and she didn’t like it one bit. Walking into the entrance hall of the castle, Raven took the left stairs among the other two and strode as fast as she can to reach the top floor.
“Things have gone as you planned.” A husky voice circled the air of the silent room, occupied only by two figures shaded by heavy moonlight.
“Good.” The girl uttered, before silent befall them again, sending a chill down his bone to stay in this office much longer. The guy fidgeted in his stand, looking across the room uneasily even though the other girl seemed to be very comfortable with the tensing silent. Everything stayed in its place without even a single light move made by the piled-up paper on the desk against the wind until the nervous guy decided to break the unspoken stare.
He has expected a longer reply but disappointment filled his reverie when a light whisper came as a reply. “Hmm.”
Struggling to find the next word in his mind, he nearly jumped in his feet to keep his nerve calm. He was not in the best state after he retrieved the sample asked by the stranger and despite the high reward, his heart still won’t be in peace and he needed some reassurance that everything will be ok. Even though the girl can feel the uneasiness, she didn’t speak as she preferred to see the cowardly mouse lost under her dominancy. After a few minutes, he finally spoke up. “I’ve gotten what you want…but…”
Finally the girl raised her brows, questioning the backbone that the thief suddenly lacked of at the moment. “Speak.” Annoyance clearly edged her voice.
Gulping his saliva, he licked his lips and said, “I-I saw the-…i-it’s not good…I didn’t mean to…but-” Suddenly, a loud, single bang filled the room until silent began to creep back to its place, before a weighty figure crashed on the floor with a loud thud. A small hole plastered on the wide forehead as his eyes stared wide to the ceiling with its bleached orbs and a drop of blood fell from the lethal hole, screwed by a thick bullet that stayed deep enough to stop the rest of blood from falling away. The girl slyly grinned to the pale corpse and giggled at the scene.
“You mustn’t know. You’re not apart of us and that, is forbidden.”
“Raven. You’re late” A voice came from the seat facing the tinted glass window behind the wide desk that goes from the other side of the wall to the other side, covering anyone behind it good.
“Sorry.” Raven scratched her un-itchy head and shrugged it off carelessly.
“You should learn how to be punctual next time. You are an Alice, Raven and your duty required you to be in time, how many times should I remind you?” The hushed voice rose slightly, stressing his words one by one. Raven nodded dumbly at the same lecture she heard every day and eyed the room to take her mind off the boring speech.
“Raven.” A sharp call shook her back to the faceless voice. “I will be going for a month so my PA, Karen will take my place for the time being. I want you to be in your best behavior and follow her order, understand?”
“Yes.” Raven nodded speciously and winkled her nose in mocking manner at the old man, by that time the old man turned in the wheels and faced her.
“Don’t act impulsive and use your head before you say anything to her because she’s not someone who can mess around with.” Raven nodded at the instruction and cursed under her breath. This was what she got after leaving her breakfast behind and came here with an empty stomach. Raven rolled her eyes and looked down the small shelves near the long desk where dozen of weird stones were kept.
There’s a triangle shaped, blazing red stone sandwiched by a green statue that looked like a lady with 3 pair of hands. Not that Raven get any idea which tribal god it was; it looked weird standing with the 3 other statues that were arranged in pyramid-like stand with the triangle, red stone as its peak. On its left, an ugly, rough stone seemed to shine at her, lighting up her red, transparent eyes, giving it the look of misty water rushing inside her orbs. She felt cold suddenly as if the stone was blowing a wave of tornado at her and with no touch of her right mind, Raven extended her hand to the stone, wanted to pick it up and keep it to herself.
“The last mission had been checked and recorded.” The old man’s voice once again rang in her ears, kicking her short intuition and brought her back to the hard, reality world. Raven blinked her eyes several time and tilted her head to left and right in bewildered before paying attention back to the old man who apparently didn’t notice the lack of interest in her boring face. “The lab was quite impressive with the clean shot on the head. Maybe you should keep that up in the next mission.”
“I will if they didn’t resist too much.” Automatically, Raven’s sarcastic habit clicked above her tongue, she even surprised herself that she was capable of doing it at the moment. But, seeing that the elder didn’t notice her strange behavior, she moved slightly and rested her weight on her right leg whiles her left bended slightly to support her balance. Raven twitched his lips in annoyance; ‘Can’t this talk gets anywhere faster?’
“Speaking of which, I have a new mission for you.” The old man utterly smacked the thin file in front of her and sipped what seemed like a thick Bloody-Bloody Mary in a crystal goblet.
‘About time.’ Raven rolled her eyes and took the brown file before she made her way out with long steps, trying hard to get out of that castle as soon as possible.
DATE:Monday, April 19, 2010
TIME:{3:35 AM}
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