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Eye of Raven
Peril in Menacing Throb
Poignant of the Broken Memory
Wielding Katana


Forgotten Melody
Gift of Immortality
Perhaps...Love is Another Word to Express Hatred
Raisonnement, Confiance, Fric
Man of Crow
The Making
Bitter Farewell
Sailing the Boat
How I Met a Demon. (29 NOVEMBER 2011 - 17:02)
Who Am I?
Demonic Me
Demonic Lilith
The Child: Me.
Dying Me
Valuing My Life
Mixing Potions of Feelings
A Deadly Game
Tampering in a Tub
Renovating My Heart
The Master He Only Have
A Man and a Piano
Two Peas in a Pod
Death is the New Beginning
Ignorant Me
Wittering Serenity
Entering Battlefield
My Name is L.
A Fight To Come


A Man Can Die But Once
Eternally Remembered
Forever and a Day
I Like This Place and Willingly Spend My Time In It
Miserable Have No Other Medicine but Hope
To the Tiny Being
A Pearl Among the Pebbles
Who I Am
A Somebody


Psychosis Attraction By SSLL Staff @ SSLL





The Poignant of the Broken Memory
Title: The Poignant of the Broken Memory
Author: Pararae
Story origin/plots/story line: Pararae
Pairing: Minsu
Side Dishes: Micky X Kibum, Shiwon X Ryeowook, Kangin X Heechul
Genre: Angst, action, romance, drama, violence and dark
Rating: PG15 (maybe NC17)
Length: Chaptered fic
Background: Alternate Universe

Summary: Max and Xiah were childhood friends who went thick and thin together until they reached their high school year where they both went on different path. Max’s tough exterior held enormous power over everyone and soon absorbed himself in the organization of The Triad, leaving his play-mate behind with The Slayer, led by his great enemy. But behind the shallow fight of these two gangs, the flowers of love grew in secrecy, but this illicit love will soon become the downfall of the great leader and their already complicated life will never be the same again when the forbidden relationship reached Micky’s ears.

Main Character:



Rain (Bi)

Chapter 1

The melancholy music ran across the empty room, illuminating an aura of smooth grief and angst. The lithe fingers twinning into the strings like a beautiful moving art and the melodious beat, brought the room into the solace of random metronome. My Immortal crescendo, desuetude itself within the air overflowed the distinguished man’s lungs. The heavy, lifeless breath crystallized the soften dream and vision of the composed artist in deep thoughts of pure self-seclusion, engulfed himself into the anguish music. The raging chorus evoked the painful memories from the thick page of the enticing man and penetrates it in every corner of the room.

He closed his eyes as the music wrapped his mind like fine silk cloth, bringing him on a flight with the climax of the mellifluous melody and brought him up to his fantasy hill. A loud, powerful beat tapped out of the heavenly instrument before it cadenced and faded away like a cavernous echo, disappearing altogether behind the brick walls. The quietness of the frozen air soon blast with a powerful beat of the rapid knock on the shut door before it hurried open. The intense emotion dried in the thin air; vanished without a trace and the musician stopped in eleventh hour, taking a glance toward the familiar guest at his doorway.

“Xiah, Micky call for a meeting,” Ryeowook said, feeling a little sorry for disturbing the prodigy. Xiah placed his guitar beside the chair he occupied and looked reluctantly at the brown haired man. His weak gaze seem unmatched the power and strength his muscles conveyed. He most likely to spend his day inside the empty room, playing his guitar on the black chair that became his favorite dwelling place but as the left hand man of greatest gang in Seoul, Xiah can’t easily eschew the order came from his leader. Xiah slowly stood up to his height, radiating a sense of prevail and strut out, followed by his friend to their usual hangout place, leaving the room in eternal silent.


“The new club is a hit. We should claim it as ours,” TOP said while wrapping his arm around Hero, closing the proximity of their body despite a few snickers coming from the others in the empty room. Saved for a few tables toppled on top of each other at the side of the room and a few chairs occupied by men in heavy metal and skull accessories, the room looked rather plain with dirty white painted wall and bare window.

“Yea, we can make it the third club this month,” Shiwon seconded the idea and casually gaze at his absence-minded leader. Max sat at his place, burning a hole at the blind wall, his mind was drifting away to his baritone somewhere in the bustling city. It had been a long while since he last saw him.

“Max.” Heechul spoke in mannered, tattering his fantasy and reality into two.

“What?” Max gawked at them for shutting his fancy in sharp stare, almost death-like which send a thundered spike to their wits.

“You were rather unfocused to our discussion.” Heechul said with no tone of disrespect.

Max tilted his head slightly to focus on his men and sneered. “I heard you guys. But we shouldn’t be hasty. I’m sure more gangs took interest on Ivy. I don’t want to waste my time and energy on something unreasonable,” Max glanced around to each of his man in dominant, sending a mind notes to think before they act. “I’ll take a look at it tonight. In meanwhile, you better pay attention on Euphoria. West is getting bold now. Weren’t we made it clear that it is ours?”

“No, Max. They knew but they refuse to abide the rules. Hero and I caught some of them across the border yesterday so we threw them out.” Shiwon stopped to catch his breath.

“Did they cause any trouble?” Max flicked his finger, a usual habit of the leader.

“They were selling drugs to one of the workers but we had him killed for associating with the enemy. He should have known his place.” Hero spoke with a sense of arrogant but soon withdrew his eyes somewhere else, avoiding the powerful gaze.

“I think we should confront them and settle this once and for all. There is no good in waiting.” Hankyung suggested and earned an approving nod from the others.

“TOP, Shiwon, Hankyung, go and confront West on this matter and let him know I will not be lenient on them if this shall happen again. And if they refuse to confine, I will not hesitate to settle this with a fight. It would be the last warning.” Max said with an eye contact, sending a subtle reminder that this must be done as told.

“Yes, Max.” TOP nodded at his leader, obediently.

“Heechul and U Know, send your man over Ivy and inform me immediately if anything suspicious occur,” Max glanced over his trusted man and earned ‘yes, sir’ as a reply. “And don’t do anything irrational.” Max reminded them sternly, burning a hole on his minions and earned another ‘yes, sir’ from two men.

“You are all dismissed.” Max said and watched his man exited the room followed by their noisy footsteps after, leaving the leader behind. Max heaved; his mind was drifting to the baritone yet again. The gentle stature never fail to mesmerize the leader under his daring spell and make him fall to his knee under his appealing gaze but once again his fantasy was ripped apart by the vibrating phone in his khakis. Max fished into his pocket and flipped it open.

“Hello, Max.” A greeting came from the other line but it managed to make the scornful leader to leap in joy, forgetting his leader-like manner.

“What do you want?” Max asked in a straight tone despite the smile plastered above his jaw.

“I miss you.” a soft, gentle hissed sent a pleasurable jolt down the receiver nerve. Max could imagine an adorable pout on the angelic face and how his round eyes squint seductively.

“What can I do?” Max smirked, a distant huff can be heard from the other line, making the leader lost his composure and chuckled slightly. Oh, how he loved to tease the other man.

“Let’s meet.”

“I’m busy.” Max responded but silent greeted him and the line went dead. A heavy, regret sigh puffed out of Max’s nostril. He would definitely meet the man who held his heart in captive again…soon, he promised.


The street neon lighted up the caliginous street of Seoul, doing a relief job for the retiring sun at the far horizon. The alley between buildings was shaded, hiding anything lurking behind it from one’s naked sight. The street was almost empty, few cars strolled by in fast pace, ignoring the speed limit despite the absent of police traffic. White Kawasaki Ninja ZZR 1400 sped on the tar street at the wrong lane, dodging the coming vehicle dexterously.

The club came to sight behind the dim light of the neon, shadowed by the gray cloud and the isolated area is rather strategic. TOP was right, the club was indeed a hit and the boisterous crowd should allow them to keep smuggled weapons and drugs at ease. There should be plenty of room which would be useful for any illegitimate trading. Police won’t find their way around easily and the thick, high bushes make it easier for them to escape if there is any ambush to come. Max sneered, tilting his head to offer more attention on the surrounding, the lively music escaped the solid door, a distant echo to the leader. This is perfect.

U Know and Heechul looked at the satisfying leader and smiled; a good sign to the Clandestine. If Max decides to claim the club as theirs, they will have a complete control over the area and the other gangs are forbidden to come across the border. After all, this would be their third club this month; no gang had made such a record so far. The Triads leader will definitely accord them with a higher rank in the organization in the next meeting.

“Shall we meet the manager tonight?” Heechul gaped around to see if any sign of his men, brushing off the girls’ mischievous winks drifted his way. Max maneuver his bike neared the bench, not to far from the exit. Glancing around the crowd in watchful caution, Max walked in the entrance, expecting a wild dance floor and the loud stereos that shook the ground vigorously with uncountable amount of random footsteps until a familiar figure came to his sight.

The deep brown hair, the gesture full of life, the unique voice and the swift airy movement of the tempting body caught his attention. Simply the act of talking with his friends could bring the hard-hearted man into the state of lunacy; exactly a kind of person who he would love to meet. Max wild imagination came to an end as the music changed into a faster pulsation which brought a more dexterous sway to the dancers. The mysterious pieces of wander fell into a complete puzzle set as the figure moved from the umbrageous of the shaded corner and the view was not exactly what he expected it to be.

“Xiah,” Max hissed the taboo name in anger, throwing his once delighted mood to dirt. U Know and Heechul turned on their guard at the sudden appearance of their sworn enemy while Xiah sneered at the raging man simply and carelessly chuckled.

“Hello Max. Long time, no see,” Xiah uttered simply as if he was talking to his old time buddy as his eyes feasted over the taller man, clearly aware of the visible tightening muscles around the leader’s built form that would easily break a man to two like a meaningless piece of frail twig.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Max retorted at the smiling guy, ignoring the fake-friendly greeting.

“I’m here to see the club and I bet you’re doing the same. We’re planning to claim this club as ours and we came here first so there is no need for further hassle,” Xiah declared in alarm, challenging the periling gaze of the leader, a luminescence of anger boiled up between the two rampant in waiting for a great eruption, which will potentially happen soon.

“I won’t back down without a fair battle. I’m expecting a good fight, so bring it on,” Max sneered at his enemy, showing off his exceeding power over the opposite gang, composed by his calculative and alluring charm, the leader’s best quality.

“Look forward to it,” Junsu replied, sending a mental note that he and the Slayer will not give up so easily under the supremacy of the Clandestine. Even though they were slightly diminutive in power under the Clandestine’s superiority but his gang is well-known all over Seoul, so if anyone would to excel the Clandestine, it would be the Slayer. The unjustifiable grudge and the deep hatred clearly flashed across those killing orbs, sending a gentle anxiety down the nerve of Max’s companions.

U Know clenched on his pocketknife, ready for any possible attack from Xiah and his friends but no harmful raid came. Xiah exited the door followed by two of his friends; watching them parting the crowd like an ocean of livings and out of the Clandestine’s sight.

“Max,” U Know tapped Max’s shoulder slightly as Max tilted his head slightly, focusing on his mate.

“Call up the others,” Max uttered in usual stern command which sent Heechul and U know most likely to oblige without any question, calling their men and the gang members for an imminent fight. Tonight will be the night for the Clandestine to mercilessly crush the Slayer hard pride and take the victory under their ruthless hostage. He would be more than glad to take down the Slayer under his grasp and he is more than capable to do it. But behind the heartless gaze of the leader, a subtle sigh heaved out, the fight tonight is unavoidable.

Chapter 2

Somehow the air felt heavy, resting on Max’s shoulder as if it was 100 pounds in weight. The once hectic club was silent as if it was hit by a gigantic tornado and nothing was left behind to suck the last straw of dying hope in life. An uncountable number of men and women gathered around two large groups of dangerous looking men, competing in the staring game which last for almost 10 minutes. Sight of weapons came to contact with tightening grips and burning desire to hurt visible across the valiant eyes of opposing gangs. Max ignored the challenging gaze from the leader of the contender as the only thing that ran to his mind is the sight of his sworn enemy fall to his feet under his blade.

The Clandestine led by Max stood on the right side consisting TOP, Heechul, Donghae, Hero, U Know, Leeteuk, Shiwon, Hankyung, Kyuhyun, Rain and a few men unimportant enough to named while on the left side stood the Slayer proudly led by Micky and with the member; Kangin, Xiah, Se7en, Kibum, Yesung, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Ryeowook, Henry, Shindong and others. Anger and grudge clearly took over each man in the arena that will soon drawn them to kill any living organisms stand in their way to feed the need of their carnage cravings. Men fidgeted on their feet due to their desperate thirst to start the deadly battle but the leaders, Max and Micky stood composed in their position ahead of their own respective gang, not twitching an inch.

Max’s eyes weren’t fixed on his enemy but instead it rested on the deep brown haired man who stood centimeters behind Micky. “We came here first so this club will rightfully be taken as ours!” A strong voice boomed in the once silent air, destroying Max’s train of thoughts. Henry scanned through the chain in his hand as if he was stroking pet animal with his desperate yearning to rip every flesh of Clandestine, limbs to limbs.

“What make you think we would simply let you?!” Hero retorted back with the sense of sarcasms, the fact that he stood a high rank in the strongest gang in the organization give no reason for him to be humble.

“This club is ours to be taken so back off, loser!” Top stood to his lover’s side and smirked at the raging gang.

“We’ll see who the loser is after this fight!” Micky’s confident rose and the word came from his mouth inflate the Slayer’s vitality, ignites like blue flames.

“If you wanted so much to resort this into a fight, I’ll be happy to obliged,” Max finally voiced out, staring down at his challenger darkly. Max cracked his knuckles, ready for a good fight as he gawked at the Slayer, mainly Micky. This will be a great fight and Max was anticipating it.

Short knives, sticks, chains, crowbars, steel bats, whips, baseball sticks, small axes were taken out shortly, menacingly visible to one’s naked eyes and the crowd was silent, tense at the random prediction of the coming result from this battle. The battle soon broke out and the heavy, lively breath circled the air around the club with a few raw, aggressive yells, gasping for the last dim of life that soon will completely trail further away from the weakling under the ruthless wrath of the tougher steel. Max and Micky eyed the fight warily between their minions; refuse to move from their static stand until the sight of their compatible opponent clearly visible. Max moved forward, passing the fighting men casually like a man simply crossing the street in the early morning and stood in front of Micky in the middle of the chaotic hassle.

His lips curved into a smirk addressed to his hostile opponent, right hand clutched into a fist ball and retreat it to the air before it crashed into Micky’s left cheek that both sure will form a deep bruise. Micky balanced his right feet on the ground before he twisted it and lunged a devastating kick to Max’s midriff, that caused the other men to stumble back but virtually managed to keep his feet on the ground and lunched another moved on his enemy. Max’s mastered freestyle against Micky’s Judo skill brought a great impact to the battle and Max seemed to be ahead of the Slayer. The wild battle continued with their leader draining their might off to keep themselves hold and strong on the ground. One of them was bound to get hurt and defeated but which side will it be? The whole responsibility of gaining the desirable victory fell on the leader’s shoulder to carry.

Both side of contenders looked utterly exhausted and battered but they shove their exhaustion aside in hope to take away the victory and rub the humiliation on the losers. Hero charged towards Xiah who was busy fighting off Shiwon and caused a great slash on his back, causing him to groan in pain. Max’s focus on Micky ran around the fierce battalion in search of the familiar, painful scream, completely unaware of the upcoming attack from Micky that caused him to fall heavily on the dirty ground, sand sticking on his damp shirt. The Clandestine stopped in their fight and stared shockingly at the fallen leader. The Slayer smirked in satisfaction of their enemy fell to the ground under Micky’s menacing dagger, glistering in the middle of the midnight, reflecting the light from the blue moon.

It took a few seconds for Max to concentrate at the sudden raid, the fact that his back was touching the ground and the pleasure filled behind Micky’s smirk angered him beyond limit. Max flung off the ground and took off his own dagger which thirst for blood but it was not just any blood, he wanted Micky’s blood. He yanked the rich alloy toward Micky like a beast charging on its prey and a solo battle broke out in the middle of the anxious looking men. Both gangs debated mentally on who would win; eager at the never ending feud that would change everything drastically.

Max rapid and unpredictable move looked promising, sending Micky to great catastrophe after like hours, succeeding in crushing Micky’s pride with a deep clean cut on his stomach. Blood flowed like a fountain and fear of losing too much blood put the Slayer’s heart at race. Micky bent slightly at the pain on his stomach and about to got up and continue the meaningless fight despite his tired self but a strong hand grip on his shoulder, preventing him to hurt himself further.

“Micky, it is pointless to continue and get the club if you end up in the hospital. Let it go now and reclaim later,” Kibum whispered lightly at Micky, keeping a cold eyes on Max who returned his stare darkly in pure hatred.

Max took a deep breath and announced. “We’ve won and you are all unwanted so deal with it!” An approving, loud cheer came from the Clandestine, smirk plastered proudly on each men, looking down at the bunch of scumbags. The sweet smell of victory and fulfilled revenge occupied Max’s lungs but it felt good for the Clandestine to emerge in great triumph, throwing the Slayer to the pit of deep humiliation.


Bored of being around the gang and the burden to keep his leader-like manner chocked his breath utterly making him suffocate and his hope to escape fidget his usual composed self. He talked to the middle age manager of the club more than an hour ago, right after the battle with the Slayer, officially marking the club as his. His gang mates looked happy at the victory they gained and fully enjoying themselves in the club, dancing and drinking themselves out of their clear head. Max watched Leeteuk, Rain and Kyuhyun competing in the dance battle in the middle of the dance floor, magnetizing girls around them with their skills. TOP and Hero was no where to be found, maybe enjoying themselves too, in the privacy of VIP room while U know and Donghae busy flirting with random girls at the opposite table. Shiwon and Heechul were talking to the guards at the entrance, looked as if their conversation were serious enough to talk about while Hankyung was busy talking to the bartender with a glass of Bloody Mary in his hand. Max had grown accustomed to this scene, every time they emerged in victory; they will hang around that club for the rest of the night, lost in the sea of pure ecstasy.

Max sneaked out of the club through the back door, leaving the lively chaotic club behind, making his way around the thick knee-high bushes to the white, abandon house located a few meters away from the club. Max trapped the night breeze inside his lungs before he breath out heavily, leaving a trail of white icy vapor around his face. Coldness wrapped his flesh despite the layers he wore that night, doing a great job, preventing warmness that greatly needed. He wanted to isolate himself from the noisy club, even though he ought to be happy of the victory he seized from the earlier fight but he was so used of winning and the real satisfaction stayed short-lived. The only reason why he keeps fighting was because of the competition in the Triads and after all, to live is to fight.

Max heaved out a heavy sigh, kicking the dirt under his left feet, trying to attract his attention off the earlier battle. The sound of Xiah’s painful groan played in his mind like a scene in DVD player; only the replay button was pushed again and again, kicking his patience to trash.

“Max.” A soft calling shook his eardrum but he didn’t need to look back to know who is the visitor. The unique voice only belong to one man; a man who he desperately needed to see. “Congratulation on your winning.” A pair of arms sneaked around his neck and rested comfortably on his shoulders, closing the proximity of their lips.

Max smirked at the other man’s word, ignoring the seducing gaze the shorter boy threw at him as he casually threw his hand around the slender waist. “It’s just another meaningless victory,” Max scoffed and locked the waist tighter securely to make sure there was no gap between them, even for an air to pass through.

“But you should be proud, at least for your men. Show some spirit, Max. They did a great job and they deserve an encouragement from their leader,” Xiah chided and rested his head on the hard built chest, taking a deep scent of taller men’s nature fragrance; knowing Max never like to wear perfume.

“Let’s leave the matter for now. I miss you, Xiah.” Max whispered to his lover’s ear, sending a pleasure sensation to his delicate skin, leaving the soft cheek damp under his cold breath. “Stay with me tonight,” Max rested his chin on Xiah’s and the smell of brown hair filled his lungs, taking it all in and saved it in his memory bank, as if to lock it within himself forever.

“I can’t, I got a lot of trouble with Micky so he would excuse me right after the gang meeting,” Max tensed in hearing of his sworn enemy’s name and the arms around the small waist loosen up, falling to his side, the curved smile disappear completely behind the emotionless eyes. Xiah looked up at the temperamental man and felt sorry for mentioning the taboo in their conversation. “I’m sorry, Max. I’m so sorry,” Xiah slipped his hands around Max’s abdomen and hugged him tightly, not wanting to lose Max and fall apart even an inch from him.

“I told you, you should join us. I could take a good care of you and we can meet everyday,” Max threw his eyes elsewhere around the dark sky, watching a flock of bird flee to the other horizon, avoiding Xiah’s heavy gaze.

“I can’t. It won’t be the same if I join Clandestine now because everyone in your gang knew I’m one of the Slayer. There’s no way they will trust a man they’ve known as their enemy.” Xiah defend his current position in the Slayer and earned a disapproving look from Max.

“Clandestine are not shallow as what you think. They will trust you if you show commitment to the gang and as long as I’m in command they will respect you,” Max planted a gentle kiss on Xiah’s forehead and gently stroked his back, the tore shirt and a rough, fresh scar behind it came to his sensitive touch, stopping Max’s heartbeat for a mere second.

“What’s this?” Max slid his hand beneath the shirt and touched the scar lightly, not to put much pressure on the opening wound.

“I fell,” Xiah lied but he was caught red-handedly, he never good in lying especially to Max. “Its nothing,” Xiah pushed the other man’s hand off his shirt and smiled reassuringly. Max knew the scar was a cut caused by one of his men from the brutal fight earlier and he felt guilty of not protecting his own lover, taking all the blame to himself. “It’s ok, Max. I’m ok,” Xiah clutched on the jacket Max was wearing like a small child, burying his head on his chest again.

Xiah knows Max like the back of his hand and he knew if he hadn’t say it was ok, Max will punished every single men in Clandestine until he finds out who dared to cause such scar. He hates to cause such riot in Clandestine. Personal life shouldn’t be brought into gang affair so there was no need to take it seriously but Max was in the other hand, never aware of the fine line between business and personal relationship, taking everything regarding Xiah personally and eventually blames himself for almost everything.

“I don’t like the way you’ve been treated,” Max’s deep voice sent a fiery vibe down Xiah’s reverie and the alarmed boy knew, something bad will happen.

“Max, they’re just doing their duty as gang member. Hurting an enemy is something natural and I got used to it. I hurt a lot of men myself. It’s not their fault,” Xiah chuckled slightly to ease the tensing man, comforting him so he won’t do anything stupid or impulsive when he got back to the club.

“You are never an enemy!” Max hissed sternly to stuff an obvious fact inside the thick skull of his mate, locking the important facts there so he won’t forget that he is in a relationship with the leader of Clandestine and off-limit to every living soul on earth to either flirt or harm.

“Max, they didn’t know. Never blame the blind for judging the unseen.” Xiah advised gently, stroking Max’s cheek in a soothing manner to cool down the raging man which work splendidly.

“I won’t forgive myself if they went too far to kill you.” A soft, rather regret tone flew out of Max’s mouth unwillingly as if he didn’t mean to voice out the dreadful words.

“I know how to take care of myself. After all, you can control them… I believe you can.” Xiah grinned innocently as if it was nothing serious to mull over. It was wise to get rid of negative thinking off their already tensed conversation. Xiah wanted to enjoy this meeting greatly before he has to run back to the Slayer and take the left-hand-man-role that he loathed so much. “Max…” Xiah purred, generating a ticklish vibe down the other man’s body, making the strong knees to quiver in great sensation.

Max flipped and gently pushed Xiah to the wall, positioning him comfortably against the wall before pulling the other man closer, trapped between his large body and the white brick wall. Max lifted him up slightly, controlling every limbs of the shorter guy like a puppet on string and claimed the pouting lips. The kiss was feather-like, so soft as if it barely touching. No force pressed on his lips yet he craved for rougher one. Max’s hand roamed on Xiah’s body, marking every inch of his lover in dominant, possessiveness displayed by the touches.

Xiah moaned into Max’s mouth, gasping for air to fill his dry lungs before he let himself controlled under the seme’s kiss yet again. Max slid his tongue in through the small opening and explored every inch of the uke as Xiah willingly let Max gained control over him. The minty sweet taste of Max and his sinuous lips escalated him to heaven and before he knew it, he was lost in the sea of lust.

Max love the way Xiah could make him crave for more of the other man; thirst for a closer proximity but the joy came to an end, wiping the smile off Max’s face. A catchy music rang through the air with a strong vibration inside the pouch of old Levis. Xiah quickly flipped it open so the music won’t attract anyone from the club. After a few minutes of listening to the person who initiated the call and finally answered ‘yes, sir’, he closed his phone and carelessly stuffed his Nokia N19 inside his pocket again. “I need to go,” Max expected it to come and hugged his lover for the last time.

“I love you,” Max whispered softly, just the way he always said it replacing the common goodbye. There was no parting wave needed because expressing his love is more important than the same cliché farewell. The word glued permanently inside both men, deep to the core of their hearts in where their precious memories were kept, hoping for another warm meeting. Hope never fail them so far and with that half-bake reason, they still holding on and somehow deep inside they knew they will meet again soon and soon was their sole hope.

“I love you too, Max, always do.” And with that, he turned away to the wild bushes and vanished slowly from Max’s sight behind the shadow of the night sky.

Chapter 3

Max made his way back to the club, dragging his feet unwillingly, kicking and stepping the bushes as he passed through. His mind swirled to a deep reverie of his lover, he misses him so much and it didn’t take more than a second for the urge to run back and hug the other man compressed his heart. Xiah’s words keep on repeating itself in his mind; maybe there was a slight truth in his words but Max’s tough mind-set keep on rejecting the obvious reality. Max certainly going to find out who the hell hurt his precious friend sooner or later but there’s more important thing to do now. He needed to find Heechul.

The backdoor to the club was closed shut despite the resonance music sneaked out of the wooden frame, a good welcoming beat to Max’s ears in spite of the disturbing sight of anonymous couples making out in the red painted hallway led to the front stage came to Max’s sharp vision under the dim yellowish red light dangled 5 inches from his height. He squirmed at some strangers brushing through his body purposely, tracing their hands on Max’s body and legs ignoring the unproven grunt from the leader. Searching the front part of the club where the dance floor and the stage was clearly drown in the sea of human with his scrutiny eyes, at last spotting Kyuhyun and Rain ogling at the half-naked dancers, a feet away from the stage.

Max walked high, radiating an inviting charm and an alluring composure that hypnotize girls and even some guys closer to him, simply of walking to his friends, made him look more utterly magnetizing. “Where’s TOP and Heechul?” Max’s strong, deep voice slaughtered both men’s thoughts to million of pieces, stumbling back to the real world. Kyuhyun and Rain stepped aside, giving a clear space, wide enough for the leader to content in the turbulent packed club.

“I saw TOP and Hero entered room number 5 not long ago but haven’t seen them since then.” Rain raised his voice slightly to outdo the rowdiness and ground-shaking bass but somehow his word lost in the chaotic swarm.

“Heechul is at the counter.” Kyuhyun pointed to the white haired man with a complexion of bright red at the end of the spiky edge, tied in a messy, coiffure. His eyes were glued, fixed on the effervescent liquid of Tiger on the counter bar where dozens of other green and red bottles lining up, ready for any hands to reach up for them and utterly suck them in pleasure of those strong liquids. His svelte fingers were caressing the beer glass in his hand and on the look at the random movement; obviously his mind was drifting to the planet of his own, absence from the hectic club self from self, a hard-made isolation.

“Find Shiwon and tell him to meet me now.” Max ordered and left them for Heechul without a slight care to make sure if they were to follow his order, knowing every slight obvious that they will, doubtlessly as they scrambled themselves through the crazy crowd, looking for his friend. The faced-back guy at the counter grew larger in view at the closing distance of Max and himself; completely aware of the once empty seat next to him was now occupied by his best friend. Turning his attention off the beer glass, slightly glanced at the leader with his mind rummaged for a valuable conversation.

“You don’t look like you’re enjoying yourself. Ivy not for your liking?” Heechul tapped the counter with his long, sharp nails, reciting its own dreary beat.

“Ivy is good. I was thinking to use this field for the next trading. The old one is too perceptible.” Max uttered and gestured the bartender to give him a glass of Vodka, which sent him to do it almost immediately.

The club was indeed special as it is ample with extraordinary facilities compared to a normal club had. There are more VIP rooms located separately from the front space where the dance floor, stage and tables for guests located, a perfect privacy for those who rich enough to throw their money carelessly. The hallways are patchy and shady as it leads to numerous narrow pathways which lead to another separate hallway and at last to a chamber, big enough for business purposes. An observation room located a few meters high from the stage, published a complete view of the club and the raucous crowd, from the entrance door to the inner part of the stage where the employees ran around to get their job done.

The observation window blocked any view from outside and most people would think of a scratchy, slightly uneven black-painted wall if they even aware of the subtle glass behind it but if it was to perceive from the office, the view is amazingly clear and visible. Small cottages could be found a few meters away from the club, completely hidden by the thick jungle-like bushes and tall trees that gave a vibe of urbanism, repelling any unnecessary attention. However, the observation room had a clear view of the cottage outside the club regardless of the trees considering it was at the peak of the club, made it easier for Max to observe the surrounding and there are 5 to 6 doors led to an alley including the main entrance which work well as an escape door.

“Try something strong, Max. You need it.” Heechul took a tall, empty goblet off the small rack and poured the red liquid that produced a loud gassing sound and placed it in front of the impassive man. “It’s a 1985 baby,” Heechul smiled reassuringly at Max, unspoken guarantee that it tasted better than Vodka.

“I’m trying to keep a clear head here, Heechul”

“Who cares?”

“I do.”

“Come on man! It has been like forever since I saw you’re drunk out of your head. It won’t kill, trust me.”

Max sighed at his friend’s relentless effort and took the goblet in his hand; a glass of it won’t hurt, supposedly. Max stared at the angry liquid and took a sip of it, leaving a burning strong pungent-like liquid poking onto his tongue, causing the man to squint at the fiery touch. Max spoke after the effect of alcohol left his tongue, leaving a numb feeling down his throat. “There’s a meeting next Sunday in Nieve. The Slayer would be there. And Mimi too.” Max almost whispered the last sentence as if someone would peep into their private conversation and wet his slightly parted lips with his own drink while his eyes ran around the bar.

A man with spiky hair in gold brown, hooded jacket sat at the end of the bar counter caught Max’s eyes before he turned to talk to his friend next to him. Max thought he saw that man somewhere but the stranger seem to hide away in the most shadow corner of the bar and the hood over his head made it more difficult for Max to notice his facial detail but he looked young, maybe around 20s. The spotlight from the stage swirled it way to the corner, lighting up his elbow down to his slim fingers on the counter to his lap. A half filled glass of clear water which looked like whiskey held tight in his grip where Max spotted a familiar silver bangles chained around the wide waist in funny details before the spotlight changed its color to light purple and ran off to another corner near the entrance door. Max knew it almost instantly that he was someone who came from the opposite but ally to his own. The tall boy turned once again to Max, giving him a smirk before he gulped down his drink and turned to the dance floor with the same curve plastered on his face.

Max raised his left brow in annoyance before he turned back to his friend who had his eyes glued on his drink. “You want me to tightened up the defenses while we gone?” Heechul offered, completely unaware of the changing expression of his own friend but knowing too well that Nieve was as far as America to Japan so they should leave their territories under a good care of their own private men. Even the smallest hole in the security will find itself under the enemies’ observation to weaken their headquarter and bases. So every safety precaution needs to look over carefully.

“You do that. Have we got the supplies from America?” Heechul refilled his empty glass with a bottle of Heineken and drunk half of it in one hatch, not worrying of getting overly drunk because the last time they check, either of them have a high tolerance in alcohol; it took more than a dozen to bring them down.

“Yes, Hero took over it.” Heechul answered after he emptied his beer glass and sucked the air through his gritted teeth to cool his burning tongue.

“Make sure Hero gives it to everyone by tomorrow, the first thing in the morning. I want all bases to have complete supplies before we go to Nieve.” Max earned a nod from his friend before he found himself searching for the same man who once sitting at the corner, but now, the seat left unoccupied. Only the empty whiskey glass left on the counter before the bartender took it for cleaning. Max looked around the bar but the other man was nowhere to be found so he excuse himself and made his way to the west door, knowing quite well that there’s no way such man could get himself in by stepping on the front and back door which will sell off his identity.

The west door was the most difficult and isolated place for someone to find because you need to walk through the maze-like hallway through the secret door inside the old dressing room which full with all kind of insects such cockroach and spider that have found it as a perfect home to inhabit. The hallway soon brought Max to a dark junction. The musty air filled his lungs, poking his nose as it uncomfortably sucked the polluted oxygen down just for the sake to stay alive. Max turned to his left, hoping for the door to be just around the corner.

His prayer came to answer after a few minutes walking down seemed-like a never-ending hallway as the sight of metal door came to view. But before he twists the knob, a commotion caught his attention and by the sound of it, a fight must have broken out. Max quickly opened the door just to find out a man with golden brown, hooded jacket was badly beaten by his own men, Hankyung, Donghae, Hero, U-Know, Leeteuk and TOP.

“What happen?” Max’s voice boomed through the alley, attracting every eye toward him as they either fell in fear or satisfaction of their leader was finally here to finish off what they have started.

“We caught him while he tried to sneak out of the club,” U-Know was the first to offer an explanation and walked toward the broken boy to lift the bruised man up from the ground by pulling the hood around his neck. “He’s one of the Slayers.” U-Know stated and slammed him back onto the hard ground and a grunt escape the bleeding lips of the defeated man.

Suddenly, Shiwon and Heechul ran toward them with heavy breath, obviously they just heard the news and they have used the back door to make a big turn to the alley on west after they failed to find the west entrance. Max eyed his friends as silent fell onto them and made his way toward the panting guy on the ground. Shiwon had a worry look on his face but the sweats and tiredness wore him good, like a mask covering his real feeling. But god knew deep inside he felt like exploding in rage.

“What business you have here, Ryeowook?” Max questioned him coldly but no respond came. “Stand up and answer me.” Max commanded sternly which sent the other man to rise up his feet slowly, twitching at the sharp pain shot through his joint when his left leg touched the ground to support his body. Ryeowook knew he would never win if he was to fight his way out through because he was outnumbered, but his eyes stared sharply at Max, refusing to admit defeat.

“Why are you here?” Max asked again.

“I got lost.” Ryeowook pulled out stupid excuse out of his hat and earned a sneered from Hero.

“Did you find whatever you come here for?”

Ryeowook tilted his head slightly to take a glance toward the panting man before he smiled lightly. “Yes.” Ryeowook gulped his saliva to wet his dry throat, eyes glued into Max’s.

“I guess there’s no use of you staying here much longer. Get out.” Max ordered calmly but a tone of seriousness never fail to trail on each of his word.

“I don’t think so.” Ryeowook retorted after a short pause of thinking what he should do to get what he wants.

Max took a deep silent breath before he commanded. “Shiwon, show this man the way out and make sure he won’t find the way back in again.” A few men snickered, expecting Shiwon to torture or beat him before he leaves his body to rot and eaten by maggots. Even though Shiwon has a thick patient in him, he never let anyone who opposes the gang go so easily and a habit to toy around with his prey before he kills them makes him look like a heartless impulsive beast.

Shiwon walked forward and took Ryeowook by arm roughly; ignoring the slight twitch the other man gave by the rough touch before he shoved him forward, causing the limped man to almost stumble from his feet. Shiwon pressed the cold muzzle on his back, an unvoiced threat that he will shoot the other man if he delays much longer. Ryeowook walked floppily with his baggy Mustang stick to his bloody leg, making him harder to walk despite the numb pain around his cut hips.

After they reached the corner, Shiwon brought him to another dark alley on their left, where the alley goes down to the endless route. Ryeowook and Shiwon cannot see where they were going but the latter knew this place like the back of his hand as he stayed ahead, leading the other man before they turned to the left where dead met end. Ryeowook consciously looked around the alienate alley as he blinked a few times to adjust his vision to the dark surrounding before he found himself slammed to the hard brick wall.

“Shit!” Ryeowook only managed to mutter a broken curse as the pain came shoot from his back to the root of his neck and his left thigh felt numb as if it lost touch of running blood.

“You shouldn’t have come here, idiot!” Shiwon punched the wall near the other man’s face and brought his face closer to catch the emerald eyes that looked so dimmed as if life had gave up on them. The staring went on for a few second before guilt crept onto Shiwon heart as he released the other man and grunted loudly, releasing his anger to the air.

Ryeowook watched the other man throwing his tantrum on himself, slightly amused by the cartoon-like scene where a character got so angry, he finally burst out in steam. “I need to see you.” Shiwon grunted louder hearing the reason but he calmed himself down, giving himself a few seconds for his rational mind to dominate over his anger.

“You could have waited. Look what they did to you?! I can come over your place if you just give me a call.” Shiwon tried to sound stable but his anger managed to slip through his gritted teeth.

“You can’t. Mickey had set up a barrier around the border. Rumors of a few trespassers have reached his ears so he took a precaution step to relocate his army down the south alley.” Shiwon sighed, hearing the news as he settled his eyes weakly on the broken boy, a silent apology of his earlier treatment.

“Are they suspecting you?”

“No. But it’s dangerous for you to run in and out of our territory now.”

“Hmm. Maybe. But it’s not less dangerous for you to come here either.”

“Is that mean we’re even now?” Shiwon knitted his eyebrows together at the unexpected question before he huffed out an amuse sigh.

“Why do I have a guy so immature like you around my short life?” Shiwon smiled slightly and brought himself closer to the taller guy.

“Because I’m such a hot creature who you couldn’t resist.” Ryeowook chuckled slightly, ignoring the look Shiwon gave him but the latter follow the fun after awhile, thinking that they quite save now until a hearable footstep echoed through the alley, shutting their conversation rather abruptly.

“You should have known better but to come here freely, Ryeowook.” The tall, broad man walked closer to the couple, receiving a respect nod from Shiwon, but he chose to ignore it. Instead, his eyes focus solely on the trespasser. “You came here, ignoring the pros and cons of your action. Foolish, I must say. You’re lucky I didn’t strangle you back then.” Max stopped inches from the subjective man, burying his stare deeper into the emerald orbs.

“We have a deal.”

“Our deal is you can meet Shiwon without being seen by others and I can’t touch you as long as you are in pack with him but that doesn’t mean you can do as you like in my territory. You ignored your share of the deal not a minute ago,” Ryeowook gulped his saliva, pushing the liquid down his throat along with his guts. He clearly annoyed by the present of the taller man near him.

“I didn’t know the west door was guarded. It was empty when I first entered it.”

“A man like you should have known every door to that club will be guarded at the first night. It is simply an obvious picture.”

Ryeowook was taken aback by the subtle insult Max threw at him but he had no choice. Max was right. He ignored his promise when he came by the club and made himself visible at the first night. Ryeowook bit his bleeding lips, getting mad at the rudeness the other man showed, but more to his own ignorant.

“As a leader, Ryeowook, you should understand why I keep myself straight when it comes to this matter. If these kinds of thing happen again and it happens that we cannot seal the entire matter anymore, I will not hesitate to comply with their wishes.” Max stopped for awhile to get his point across the thick headed man and take a short, steady breath before he continued. “I will kill you if that what it takes.”

Max’s last word triggered Shiwon and Ryeowook, sending both men to evaluate their position in front of the tougher male as both knew they were nowhere near the leader’s feet even if they are to join forces against him. Ryeowook held his anger back as he gripped his hand, ignoring the pain shot through his battered arm. He had no other way but to abide because that’s the only way he can keep his ticket to enter the other man’s territory and meet his lover. Ryeowook held his breath and secreted his anger at the back of his mind. “My apology.” Ryeowook slurred it out, keeping his displeasure distance.

“Apology accepted.” Max declared before he took a step back and walked out on the couple to the main alleyway. As soon as he cleared out of sight, Shiwon shot Ryeowook a pitiful stare, obviously aware of the pain of the latter.

“You shouldn’t have fought back.” Shiwon chided softly.

“I can’t believe you can stand around that bastard. He’s such a cold steel.” Shiwon chuckled at other man’s comment and wrapped his arms around the injured shoulder to support the weight pressing on the beaten guy.

“Let’s get it all wrapped up. I don’t want you to get infected or something.” Shiwon led Ryeowook out of the alley which led to the main road before they entered a clinic a few blocks away. Ryeowook completely aware of the fight between Shiwon’s gang and his own and he did not wish to be apart of it. In fact, he can drop out anytime he wants but Shiwon enthusiastic play in this war gave him a willing responsibility to take care of him and to make sure no one take advantage of his lover in his absent.

Chapter 4

Max walked back to the alley where the commotion just triggered, expecting his mates to be waiting for him as he turned from the isolated alley where the couple was talking. His eyes first met Heechul’s leaning form to the brick wall behind him with his arms folded neatly on his chest and his left leg bend slightly behind his right to support his weight. Max noticed the tired look on his face even though the shadow fell right on top of him. The other man clearly pushed himself so hard to stay awake but the long look never leave the side of his face and his eyes stayed stationary on the rough brick floor, clearly his mind was drifting somewhere else.

Heechul caught Max’s intense stare and corrected his stand to give a proper respect before Max sighed, silently stepped out of the shadowed corner for the rest of the gang to notice his present. Everyone waited for the first word, letting the burdensome silent fell onto them as mental curiosity poked into their heart regarding of what happened to Ryeowook in the hand of Shiwon. But Max decided to let his man question first as he welcomed the time passed through them like a sway of the green leaves in the touch of the wind. The awakening sun at the far horizon reminded Max that he just walked the entire night without a rest and it drained him almost completely. All what he wished for now is a rest at home.

After a few minutes flew by, Kyuhyun decided to break the wasted silent. “What happen?” A few man gasped at the medium height man, truly they didn’t expect a quiet man to offer the opening.

“Shiwon send him back.” Max answered shortly, no interest of offering more information on what happened earlier.

“Did Shiwon break his toes?” Hero meant it as a joke but Max had no time for that so he answered ‘no’ plainly. Hero pouted at his crushed dream to hear what pain Ryeowook gone through and hook his fingers with his boyfriend’s. Once again, silent took over them but Max had no intention to wait much longer or to answer any more question. He was so tired that he can’t even spell the word ‘bed’ without hurting his brain, so it was better for him to drop the topic for later.

“I’m going back. You can do the same if you want but make sure the border is secure completely. I don’t want the earlier event to repeat again. There’s going to be a monthly meeting next Sunday at Nieve so I want all of you at full strength went we depart. We don’t know what will wait for us there but be ready. This time, the entire organization going to join us, no exception for the Triads leaders so take note that I will appreciate if you guys keep your manner as the top priority,” Max keep himself straight as his eyes lazily landed on the invisible end of the dark alley that lies behind his mates, preferred to not look into their eyes.

“TOP and Heechul will settle the remaining business we have from the last trading. I don’t want any delay in reports especially when it comes to the reinforcement background of the new comrades we just took in.” Max broke his stare from the fading darkness that will illuminate with the morning sun soon and took its landing on his right-hand man who clad in finest black suit that he probably changed a moment ago.

“Yes, sir.” TOP nodded slightly as he felt a heavy stare coming from his leader before he took a glance toward the Heechul who looked space out in his own world.

“That’s all.” Max’s last word somehow release a bag of air into each man’s lungs and they felt relieve instantly as if their burden have been lifted up from their shoulders.

Max walked away from them, choosing to use the long road to his bike as a group of chattering men broke out. But Heechul did not participate in those random talks as he continued watching Max walking off with knitted brows before he decided to unattached his feet from the ground and followed Max few meters behind. He can feel something different about Max ever since he came to talk to him at the bar counter but he can’t ignore it much longer as it stabbed his curiosity. He finally caught up with the leader when the front entrance met his sight as he walked on the double toward his friend who was about to jump onto his bike and sped off.

“Max,” Heechul nudged verbally while getting himself on his own bike. “You ok?”

“I’m just tired.” Max answered after he get himself on his bike as he kicked up the engine to life.

“I’ll accompany you back then.” Heechul offered and get his blue helmet on before he followed his friend out to the main road. Heechul’s house was located 2 blocks behind Max’s so he won’t get out of his way too far to drop his friend. The morning light fell on Heechul’s face, lighting up a patch of light bruise plastered on his side chin which left unaffected toward the host who knew it will heal later on. His oval face and slightly muscular chin gave a vibe of a typical work-out guy type but god knows, he never when to gym before.

He was never a strong type to begin with but he managed to get himself into this world when Max saved his life 10 years ago and the other man was only a year younger than him but he is much stronger and faster and more alert as though even a trace of fly can’t miss his eyes. He followed Max almost everyday since then and become one of his close friends. Max works like a magnet pole that pull everything towards him once they met him and Heechul is one of them. He eventually learned the hard side of the world and witnessed the cruelty itself after he saw the gang’s doings. It was disgusting, but tempting at the same time and that was the very reason why he can’t get his eyes off it and somehow enjoy it, as it blend into his flesh and vein and became a part of him.

Heechul never know he was before he met Max, so he thinks meeting Max was bless from heaven; a guide for him to walk on this hard cold earth. The gang is like his real family where he feels belongs and safe like a nest to new born hawk and Max is his sole king who he would follow till the end of time. Max’s word rang in his ears just like when he heard it few years back when Max brought him to the high school roof after the school bell went off.

“Why are you joining us, Heechul?”

“Because I respect you and I will follow wherever you lead.”

“Will you follow me to the deathbed?” That question really struck Heechul hard. He didn’t expect Max would ask such question. “Who is your leader, Heechul?”


“Who will you follow when I’m gone?”

“I-I…” Heechul’s word trailed off, following the fast wind pace as it brought it up high above the cloud as the young voice box seem to not fully function at the startling question. It is so like Max to surprise you even when it is only verbal attempt. To catch you when you weren’t expecting it, figured, must be his hobby.

“Don’t follow me. Follow your heart. You will find a better place than here.” Heechul didn’t know what to say. For the first time, Max sounded so pessimist as if the world was betraying him. He can’t believe his ears; his mind was churning in rather fear and puzzlement as he wondered so much if that person who was talking to him was really Max. He sounded so different. His words seem so unreal, so gentle unlike the leader of a gang at all. He sounded so fragile and empty, like a part of him was taken away and he just lost that enthusiasm in those words that usually nudge his people to his desire.

But Heechul later on, learned that that was the real Max. The fragile, gentle wise and wounded man stood upon him, clad in old school uniform. But it was only a history, as those unsecured man who has nothing but hope to cling on is now forever bury under the mask of the notorious gang leader… The Clandestine’s leader.

A tall bleached apartment grew bigger in size as they got closer to it and a neon sign depicted a big bold word “Entersa” hanging proudly above the door entrance where an open, grey gate big enough for a car to fit through was watch over by a night security guard. Max’s back light beamed up, signaling him that he will enter the gate and that Heechul should just go back to his own apartment to get some rest. Heechul nodded mentally, understand the subtle message that he is no longer needed for tonight so he sped off, passing the opened tinted gate where Max’s bike just past through and went straight into the junction where he turned left as soon as the red light turned off.

The lifeless street was so coldly quiet, sending a shiver down the young man’s spine as he passed through them at 60 km/h. Guessed, the sun light haven’t reach this part of the world yet. The dawn reminded him so much of himself when he was at the end of teen age, a step away from becoming a real Clandestine member. And soon Heechul found himself roaming into his memory again where he and Shiwon was hanging out outside Hero’s mansion. They were having a noisy, late night party and Shiwon was out for a cigarette at the back alley with him accompanied the little, impulsive brat.

Shiwon was puffing his roll, enjoying the cloudy smoke around his face as his eyelids were half shut in pleasure of those burning sensation poking into his trachea at every breath. The strong scent of alcohol coming from the back door which led to the kitchen was mix with the sweetness of cigar smoke filled the dimmed alley that was only illuminated by the neon light. The haziness of the alley beat up the grey cloud that was marching in the dark blue sky heading west, following the route of the wind.

“I always wonder.” Shiwon broke the silent, taking his attention from a couple of crows flying high above them.

“What?” Heechul can see the cloudiness in his friend’s eyes as it gaze deeper into his own, releasing a burden onto his soul.

“Why a good guy like you would join us. I mean, no offence but aren’t a guy like you supposed to be at home, studying or something?”

Heechul almost laugh at his friend’s ignorance but he managed to cup it good. “The school is finish, remember? We’ve graduated. That’s why we’re partying here.”

Shiwon huffed hardly. Heechul wasn’t sure whether it was a bad thing or not when the usual cheerful Shiwon keep his serious on. “Well, aren’t you supposed to browse through the internet to see which college you gonna attend? With those result you got, no doubt you can enter Oxford.”

“Well, a guy needs his rest too. I guess there’s no harm in enjoying my night.” Heechul folded his arms behind his head, supporting his leaning back as his eyes fall onto the night sky again.

“I heard you’re going to join us.” The way Shiwon emphasize ‘us’ above his tongue, gave a hidden message behind it which made Heechul to think twice at the statement.

After a long pause, Heechul uttered confidently which managed to surprise Shiwon and himself. “Yes. I’ve made up my mind.”

“Well, maybe you should think again, my friend. This is no game. You know what will you go through, right? And you know the risk.” Shiwon said carelessly, clearly he looked down at the other man’s capability to function in the illegal organization they’re planning to set foot in, as he pushed his left leg off the right while throwing the half burned cigar into the floor and stomped on it with one leg.

“I know but I think this is the right choice.” Heechul said firmly and knitted his brows in annoyance. He hates everyone who thinks of him as weakling but after a few seconds passed, his anger started to extinguish slowly behind the rational thinking that always get the best of him. “Max saved my life before and he showed me the other side of the world I never set eye on. He opens my eyes to the real world. I think this is the right path to follow.”

Another silent took over their conversation as both lost in their own thoughts, scrambled mentally for a lighter conversation to kick the tense away but Heechul was a bad player in this kind of situation so he remained silent on the black stool, leaning on the wall. “Well, that’s what Max did to me,” Shiwon at last break the silent after a few minutes wasted and a friendly smile curved above his jaw. “I was nothing before too until I found Max. Well, he found me actually but anyway, I was a beggar. I never go to school before in my entire life and never ate a decent pizza. I started to live on street since I was ten after I ran away from the foster home so yeah, I never know who’s my parent is but I never actually care. I guess I got use to live alone without them.

Anyway, back to the story, Max showed me to his house one day and I started to live with him since then. He told me he would pay for all my expanses including school fee but I rejected it. I think he helped enough. I mean, what kind of a man would bring a stranger; a beggar to his own house? Doesn’t he have any insecurity or anything? So I guess I could whip a few belongings of his and sell them off but it kinda got me that I found a gun under his pillow while I was going through his room. So, I stopped my plan just in case he happen to be some kind of lunatic assassin or something so I asked him what he do for living because well, I didn’t see his parent anywhere and he can’t possibly afford a nice house by scrubbing on someone’s car, you know what I mean? So that’s when I learned that he actually works for the Triads. I thought I could use some pennies so I work with him with few businesses and trading and that’s how I got myself into the organization. I started off with nothing and I got out with mere luck. Damn world do have a way with people.” Shiwon chuckled carelessly as if someone just threw him a laughing gas but Heechul remained silent, looking at the laughing boy like he was some kind of sick dude, laughing at his own misery.

After a minute or so, Shiwon suddenly stopped and his voice fell flat like a broken requiem and his brow stretched straight under his wide forehead. “You know Heechul, Max really have a way around people. I mean, I don’t know if it is his nature or he’s just playing it but people just can’t stop seeing him once they talked to him, you see. He got my respect, that’s for sure and I just can’t stop myself but to follow him. And when I look into the mirror, I no longer see me, but instead I saw Max trapped in my flesh. But he always tells me to not follow his example. He told me to follow my heart that he said, it can take me to somewhere better than here but I guess this is where my heart takes me…to Max and to the future Clandestine and to my new self.” Shiwon smile bitterly and Heechul could understand how those words really stabbed his heart because he have been through the same thing.

“Yea, I know.” Heechul muttered to himself, taking a bag of air and flushed it down his lungs heavily like gulping a glass of water in one hatch, somehow hurt his chest but no less of the cut he felt deep inside. Deep where the scar remain open and fresh like the knife had stayed there, stuck inside as if it was glued together and never leave.

He betrayed his old self for a new one. It’s not something bad but it hurt to see yourself as a different person and to know that you’ve been nothing more than a useless moron, walking on earth with nothing on your mind but study and exam. It hurts so much to know that you miss the real world, blinded by tons of thick books and it kills yourself to think that the world is somewhat unfair after you have set a foot where you never know of. Heechul have walked the earth for 18 years but he didn’t know anything until Max drew the curtain for him. It feels so stupid to think you just waste half of your life, locking yourself in your room and glues your eyes on the page of the text book, never care of what happen at the street outside your window. Wasted, stupid and useless dead men inhabit the world. Heechul is the dead man that was brought to life by a mere stranger called human.

The blue roof of 5 storey cheap apartment came to sight behind the big fruitless tree that was leaning close to the wall as one of the large branches lay on top of the roof lazily where a couple of bird build a nest behind the green leaves. Heechul like the dawn view as the top half of the tree was covered in the yellowish red sun light shafted its grace and a group of birds fly high above him to catch some prey for breakfast. The tranquil and relaxing morning breeze fed his lungs as he stepped on the brake and the bike started to snail down. Heechul maneuvered his yellow bike at the corner next to the brown wooden door with a yellow ‘56’ number nail on it and jumped off the sleeping vehicle before he made his way to his room. The key was thrust in sloppily before he slammed the door shut as the 3 inches fur rug greeted his aching foot.

The messy haired guy grunted in anger, dragging his feet off the rug that he loathed sp much but to why the rug still hasn’t end up in the dumpster still a mystery even to Heechul himself. The warmness and ticklish feeling the rug gives every time he walks in and out of the door remind him of someone’s touch whenever his hand roam on his milky skin and he miss those attention badly but his exhaustion took most of his strength away even for his mind to think of the other man. The comfy couch welcomed Heechul’s weight as he slumped himself onto it and dozed off as soon as his head touch the head of the red couch.


“You’re such an animal!” Hero spat angrily as he leaned on the passenger front seat with his hands folded on his chest. The music of Japanese rock band shook the ground bass radio that becomes his favorite channel however the loud music left ignored by both men occupying the black, running vehicle trapped in the sea of slow traffic.

“Really now?” TOP smiled slyly, taking a short glance at the red guy as he keeps his right hand on the white gold frame steering wheel that encircle the pure leather head with golden black logo plastered on it while his left hand gripped tight at the ‘T’ shaped handbrake that made purely from mother pearl with rosewood grip that goes down to its root, his favorite color combination.

Hero huffed loudly as his pout got longer than it already was. “Yes! You’re a heartless, dry skin predator that rips off life from the innocent, walking around in human body. That’s what you are!”

“Maybe so, but you’re not going anywhere tonight.” TOP said casually with a smile as if the other man appeared harmless even if he decided to grab his black S&W revolver at the back of his jeans.

“But why?”

“Because we’re haven’t reach our house yet, so I will not compromise on the idea to let you off anywhere else for the rest of the day unless it’s on business affair.” TOP voiced the final decision to close the entire matter as the leader of the household which received a long ‘aw’ from his boyfriend.


“Then, it settled.” TOP at last closed the discussion and earned an angry, adorable huffed from the other man that managed to make TOP chuckled slightly. The journey went silent as Hero was too busy destroying TOP’s CDs collection as revenge to his lost which include scratching and breaking while TOP ignored the cat-like, angry man and kept his eyes on the road. The traffic started to move smoothly now that they have passed the two cars that parked at the side of the road, perhaps they are caught in the middle of an accident before TOP decided to take a shortcut to a narrow road on right that lead to a narrow, bumpy but empty street between forest and forest.

After a few minutes, TOP get tired of the silent as he punched the rubber-made, small square button using his thumb to switch off the radio and took a glance toward his mate. “You know, I think something’s up just now.”

“About Max? I felt it too. I think he’s hiding something from us.” Hero threw the broken discs down his legs carelessly and positioned himself in his seat, paying a complete attention to his boyfriend.

“Damn it! Watch your mouth, Hero. Max is not hypocrite and he won’t be happy to hear this from you. If it’s important, he would have told. I’m talking about Ryeowook here. Do you think Shiwon would really let him off just like that? Knowing Shiwon, he might break his leg.”

“So what? I can’t see your point of concerning for that stupid rat anyway.”

“Hero, you need to learn to see the pros and cons of an action. If Ryeowook was hurt severely, there’s no guarantee Micky would stay quiet.”

“But he trespassed into our territory and broke the law of the organization. Anything happen to another gang that reluctant to demise on the border without a bond of an alliance or official purpose gives no right to the leader to intervene.” Hero quoted with a matter-of-fact manner as if he’s reading directly from the rules and regulation book.

“Yes, but it is only a guideline not an official rule. The Triads just add that up to bait people’s attention and knowing some of the brainless dummies such Slayer and West, they won’t be bothered but see it as a stepping stone to start a meaningless argument and the Triads would be happy to watch all those riot from the sideline. They just want their pets to give some entertainment in their boring life.” TOP growled at the thoughts of the Triads leaders who he loath so much at how phony they are when it comes to an important matter such gangs welfares. What kind of leaders letting their men fight among themselves outside the legal ring?

Gangs should fight over territories and rivalry; that is their true nature but once the result have been made in a fair fight and the ownership of the land fall into winner’s hand, there shouldn’t be any disturbance from the opposite gang but instead of enforcing it into a law, they just bind it into a guideline that are taken lightly by almost everyone. The administration pattern that the leaders create in the organization obviously convinces that they didn’t care of what happen to their men. All that’s matter to them is profits and power. Where or how those qualities come from doesn’t matter as long as they could have a hold of it.

“We are their pets, TOP. We ought to follow their rules.” Hero chided. Even though Clandestine stood as the strongest gang in the Triads, they are still two steps lower than the ultimate leaders and to oppose them are like committing suicide.

“I’m no pet. My leader is Max, not them. Whatever they do got nothing to do with me.”

“But Max is their pet anyway. You are the pet’s pet.” TOP snickered at the other man’s comment and shook his head lightly.

“But to me, Max is on his own. If you pay a damn, he never follows the flow of the organization and refuse to play by their dirty rules. I believe Max will lead us out of the organization and those bullshit two-face-so-called leaders can rot in hell!” TOP said with a tone of determination, full of hope that they will no longer bounded by the law of the organization but Hero only managed to stare at how certain and confident his boyfriend is.

Hero never thought of walking out on the organization that had helped them throughout of all these years. If it wasn’t for Miyavi, they won’t be anything more than just a regular people that run around with little pennies in their pocket. Miyavi is one of the three leaders in the Triads, the one who found Max and taught him all about organization that later became Max’s wall of support. He always looks high in the capabilities of Clandestine members and he’s the one who propose a high stand for them. Clandestine would be nothing without his help and to turn his back on a person who has done so much for them is like biting the hands that feed them, an ultimate betrayal that go against Hero’s policy.

Hero wanted to speak out to TOP of what he thinks of the organization but seeing the handsome man’s hopeful desire in those twinkling eyes, he stopped his tongue from slurring any unnecessary words and changed the topic. “Whatever but if they want to settle it with another round of fight, I’m sure we can take them out anytime.”

“You are too careless, Hero. You’re lucky Max didn’t reproach you.” TOP’s voice felt flat in serious metronome, expecting Hero to take it wisely but another idea came to Hero.

“But it is their fault, goddammit! Both of them shouldn’t have intruded our base. I’m just simply doing my job to protect the border. It’s not so easy unlike you who just sit and watch!” Hero rolled his eyes and folded his arms on his chest with a pout as childish as a baby.

“I didn’t just sit and watch for your info. I do have important business to handle. Who do you think did the cleaning job on our last trading? The one who take care of the contract and trading and the efficiency of the bases utility? I’m just saying this so you won’t regret your action in the future. Dice won’t fall on the same place twice, so does luck!” TOP said sternly, stuffing some sense into Hero’s thick skull. The other man’s impulsive act cannot be ignored just like a broken bicycle that you can just fix and get on it some minutes later because if he takes a wrong move, he will not only jeopardize his own life but the whole gang will take the effect especially Max who will be compelled to take the responsibility of his men’s action but Hero’s stubbornness failed to see the big picture of the whole relating matter.

“Those people, West and Ryeowook should be taught some lessons.” Hero cracked his knuckles, throwing his eyes outside the window angrily at the reproach TOP threw at him. He was just simply doing his duty so why was he the one who get the scolding?

TOP sighed at the stubborn man, shutting his mouth to not provoke the angry man further, letting him to cool down after the second losing debate this morning. His Honda Chevy slipped through the automatic gate that had opened a few seconds ago and parked itself at the front entrance of their shared mansion. As soon as it stop, Hero quickly jumped off the car and closed the door with a loud bang, running into the entrance hall and into the elevator, leaving his boyfriend behind as he locked himself inside his room in the second floor for the rest of the day, ignoring all the concern calling and comfort he received from his housemate that day.

Chapter 5

A loud ringing shook the quiet frozen air as the alarm clock struck 6 in the evening followed by a sleepy grunt from the awakening figure spread over the queen-size bed as a strong hand slammed the clock clumsily to stop the annoying, earsplitting ringing. Micky yawned heavily and stretched his numb body slowly to not hurt his newly closed wound on his stomach despite his lazy eyes begging for another round of slumber. The reddish, orange sunset shafted down through the thick bulletproof octagon window with golden white frame, lighting up the lower part of the bed, giving a glister on a pair of tan leg exposed from the short black boxer he wore to sleep that day.

The good looking boy ruffled his messy black hair that was highlighted with deep reddish brown before he lazily dragged his feet to a bathroom opposite of his bed at the far end of the enormous room. After a few minutes of showering, Micky grabbed a pair of bleached baggy Levis from the wooden closet before the door opened, revealing a slightly shorter man clad in a simple yellow Jape T-shirt and a pair of short khakis.

“Good morning.” The smiling guy greeted in the sense of gentle sarcasm before he handed a glass of plain water that he brought to the half naked man and sat on the soft bed.

“How long I’ve been sleeping?” Micky drank from the glass and placed it down on the small table by the closet as he rubbed his still sleepy eyes with his cold palm.

“Around 6 hours.”

“Shit.” Micky cursed under his breath for overslept that evening. He promised Yulia Volkova, one of the leaders in Triads to call her at 3 for the new business he supposed to attend this month at Vk.

“Yulia called hour ago. She said the next meeting will be on Sunday at Nieve. Miyavi will be there so do Daniel Henney.” Micky arched his eyebrows at the name mentioned by his mate. He knows Daniel Henney for years now and he is heading an important headquarter in Italy at this moment and he never come down to the main headquarter, which currently residing in Seoul unless if it is important enough to drag his feet down.

“Sound like a big one. Did she say anything about Vk?”

“Nope. But she did tell to stay 2 days longer after the meeting ends. There’s something she needs to discuss about.”

“Kibum, call Kangin and tell him to strengthen up the defenses on the headquarter while Xiah can do the bases. Have we received the new weapon from our supplier?”

“Yes. Yulia directly recommend CM.023 and M16A2 rifles.”

“Give it out to the others. I want everyone ready in two days. Have you clean up the last warehouse?”

“Yes. Yesung took care of the remaining evident.”

“Good.” Micky took a short silent breath and glanced gently at his companion, ushering away the leader-like talk he just used not a moment ago as his voice fell into a whisper plea. “Kibum, do me a favor and stay with me okie?” a simple smile curved over Micky’s jaw, hiding a subtle message behind it.

“I’m busy.” Kibum smiled knowingly what the other man wish for.

“Let Sungmin and Henry take care of them.” Micky walked closer to the smiling man and hugged him from his back tightly yet harmless at his touch, stroking the velvet hair and took its lavender scent deep into his lungs.

“I don’t want them to say I’m taking advantage of my relationship wi-” A soft moan escaped his mouth when Micky bite his left ears, teasingly played with his tongue. “Mick…ky” Kibum uttered between his moan as his eyes squinted at the ticklish pleasure behind his ears.

“Shh…” Micky hissed closely at the redden ear and smirked knowing that he had a complete dominant over the panting man. Micky slid his hand under the yellow shirt, possessively brushing the milky skin with both of his hands, marking his property with a visible red mark made with a hungry nibble before he unzipped the other man’s shirt and reached down to unbuckle the black jeans. Sweats broke out from Kibum’s forehead as he felt an increasing heat coming from his back contacted with Micky’s naked chest and abdomen as if someone has lighted up a gentle fire on his back that goes down into his spine and to his toes.

“Micky...stop!” Kibum pleaded but he didn’t effort much of anything to push the stronger man away as his body response to the touches and he can feel a bulging erection inside his pants. Kibum fist Micky’s hair and pushed him closer to his neck junctions as Micky sucked harder at the swollen skin.

“You really are a hypocrite bastard.” Micky smirked and undressed Kibum as he took in all the beauty of the half exposed body to feed his hunger.

Kibum moaned at Micky’s touch as the seme slid his left hand between his thighs, groping at the flesh hardly. Micky licked the back of Kibum’s neck and trailed down to his shoulder, enjoying the sweet salty taste of the milky skin and sucked on the skin to form another bright red mark. Kibum gave in and begged for a rougher treat as he turned to face his boyfriend and pushed him roughly to lie on the messy bed and he’s the top. Micky smiled at the panting, light man on top of him and he can see lust misting the familiar green orbs.

“You’ll regret ever for seducing me, young man.” Kibum slurred between his heavy breaths and grabbed harshly on Micky’s white shirt before he ripped it off in one strong pull. Kibum brushed Micky’s chest down to his six packs slowly, teasing the other man before he clumsily unbuckled the other man’s pants and tossed it on the floor and reached for the plain black boxer but a larger hand stopped him.

Kibum shot Micky a glare only to receive the same stare from Micky before the laying man sit up. “What make you think I would let you do that?” the almost exposed man smiled and wrapped his arms around the impatient man’s shoulder to push him closer despite the weak push in attempt to give himself some space to continue his deed again.

“Micky, let me top.” Kibum desperately asked as he pulled the other man closer as if to join Micky’s flesh with his own, craving for the warmness flourished by the skin contact.

Micky smiled as Kibum’s plea rang in his ears like an angry excitement and stroked the silky raven hair, lovingly brushed Kibum’s back to calm him down. Kibum always lost himself at the time like this, turning into a wild beast and rip off all fabric that got in his way. To cool him down is the best way to prevent any unnecessary pain that will shot through the receiver back the next day as Micky was keenly looking for a gentle touch tonight and if any of them can’t get up tomorrow, it will be a bad picture considering how many work they need to settle before the meeting at Nieve started.

“No, darling. Not tonight.” Micky brushed the sweating face gently as his palm feathery touched the milky skin that almost glow despite the absent of light in that room. The embrace went for almost 30 minutes as Kibum felt in a deep thought on the other man’s chest, closing his eyes and let the darkness wrapped around him with a soothing warmness that keep him at peace, half asleep. Their sweet embrace and gentle touches continue until the closed door was opened clumsily, banging onto the painted wall.

“Sir, urgent call!!!”

The once calm Kibum shot up angrily to the round desk beside the bed and reached for a silver gun inside the drawer before he aimed at the familiar uninvited guest to shoot him straight on his head but a strong hand grabbed Kibum before he could push the trigger as he raised his hand to shoot the guy on his head.

“All right Se7en, it better be good!” Micky shouted as he took the gun away from those dangerous hands, ignoring a disapproving pout curved on Kibum’s face.

Se7en was taken aback at the scene in front of him and he quickly recovered, ignoring the exposing state his leader in and the fact that his head almost explode in the hand of the bipolar man. “Sungmin and Eunhyuk have done decoding a message from Zurich central base. It says a mole have been captured and detained.”

“Have they started to question?”

“Only once but the mole is believe to be a police spy. Some information have leaked out.”

“Call Xiah, Sungmin and Yesung. I will talk to them personally and I want a copy of the message in my laptop, prompt. Have Eunhyuk to send it to me.” Micky ordered calmly, radiating a sense of patient and wise as one of his low rank workers nodded and left.

Micky sighed, thinking of a new problem that just fell on his shoulder. He didn’t really care if the information was leaked to police because he have almost the entire department in Zurich paid off but if the information fall into a hand of another organization, it will be crucial if he didn’t make a move. “Do you want me to take care of the mole?” Kibum asked as he rested his palm on the taller man’s shoulder, taking Micky’s attention from his running thoughts.

“No, the last thing I want is broken arms and legs scattered around my dungeon. After all, I have something for you to do here.” Micky removed Kibum’s hands from his shoulder and cupped it with his own, staring at the endless darkness in those glistering orbs.

“What is it?” Kibum asked, brushing his thumb on Micky’s index finger, enjoying the smooth skin against his sensitive palm.

“I need you to be by my side.” Micky whispered sweetly at the tip of his tongue, sending a wave of red ocean to the smaller man’s cheek as he smiled wistfully.

Kibum giggled and nodded, replying with a simply ‘ok’ before he tenderly brushed his hands off the other man’s grip and walked away to the opened door but not before he gave a soft smile to the half-dressed man. Micky tilted his head slightly at the empty space in front of him before a light smile curved above his jaw, tickling his heart slightly at the childish man before he shook his head and made his way toward the closet to get himself another shirt to wear.


A hard panting breath echoed the deserted alley as heavy footsteps drum the hard ground, stepping on a littered plastic and paper. Ryeowook’s left hand support his sore body on the brick wall after hours of walking, ignoring a silent shout his legs plea for a rest. Ryeowook touched his bandaged abdomen and looked down to his wrapped leg that was injured by one of Shiwon’s friends. The tired man continued his walk before he slummed himself on the metal door, turning the metal knob with much difficulty before he was stumbled in when the door hardly opened.

“Ryeowook!” A tall, built man who was sitting on a desk ran for his friend and helped him up to a dark blue couch. “What happen, man? Did you get busted or something?”

“Kangin, please. Let me breathe.” Ryeowook grabbed on the strong shoulder of his friend and sit up to lean on the comfy couch. Kangin reached for a bottle of plain water and handed it to his friend which gladly accepted by Ryeowook. The cold fresh water stormed through his dry throat, giving an instant pleasure to him as he took a breath after sealing the half empty bottle and placed it beside the empty vase.

“So?” Kangin pressed on the matter, looking closely at his beaten friend.

“Busted.” Ryeowook heaved out a heavy breath and covered his eyes with his left hand.

“I told you to wait.”

“Aish! How can I?” Kangin smiled slyly at his friend, providing comfort behind his father-like gaze. Ryeowook’s voice later fell into a slight whisper, returning the smiled his friend showed him. “When are you going to see your sweetheart?”

Kangin leaned to the couch next to his friend, looking up to the dirty ceiling that was filled with spider webs. “Later. Micky tighten up the border at south for a reason. I don’t want to make it worse.”

A loud sharp sigh heaved out from Ryeowook nostril as he slammed his head backward hitting the soft leather couch to support his lazy head. “I’m tired of running and hiding. I just can’t take it anymore.”

Kangin smiled at his friend’s words and placed his hand on the bruised hip. “Relax, man. It’s not the right time yet.”

“What do you mean it’s not the right time yet, man? It has been almost what? 6? 7 years?! For god sake, we cannot stay here and wait any longer. At least I can’t!” The once tired man threw his hands frantically and landed hardly on the round table in front of him as if to tell his friend that he’s no longer going to play the menacing game. He’s tired. No, he’s exhausted. He has been living with all these nonsense for years now. He has to sneak and crawl under the stairs just to get to his lover and even sell off his pride to make a deal with his enemy just to see Shiwon’s face everyday.

What kind of a man lives up to this? It was as if paying 30 dollars to see a movie that play only a few minutes. This is all because of the gang rivalry. If only Max hasn’t spit out those hurtful comment in their first meeting a few years ago. If only Max kept his mouth and didn’t tell Miyavi of their flaw and stepped on Micky’s pride. If only Shiwon didn’t choose to be by Max’s side and he’s not by Micky’s. If only he can turn back the time to when they both ran around freely to wherever they want, together without anyone to stop them. If only that is possible and if only, if only none of these happened.

Kangin shook his head at his friend’s impulsiveness and took a deep silent breath to fill his dry lungs, hoping for the air to chase the pain away from their heart, their soul and their life and released them to a better place. “It’s ok.” Kangin patted Ryeowook’s hand that was placed on top of his own and smiled, ignoring the look his friend gave him. The only thing he can do is to offer comfort and support so the other won’t burn up and explode himself into trouble.

Kangin took his leave after bidding his friend goodbye and pat on his shoulder as the last comfort before he strolled out to get some fresh air that his lungs are craving for. The evening light shafted down his face, giving a golden dusk around his broad frame as his eyes squinted at the brilliant light before he gave it a soft sighed and walked away to the alley where it links to the club they terrorized last month.


Max walked out of the fine-made wooden door as he dragged his feet and twirled the door knob behind him before the door clicked close. The golden framed white tiger hang on the bright red wall that was painted a few years ago by his friend, Tanya who is an expert designer. The fine wave of brown wooden piece trail the end corner of the wall where another block of red brick stand up firm, marking the end of the hallway. Max ruffled his hair as he spitted mentally at the silent and emptiness of the path he’s walking in now. The dragged feet soon stopped in front of a small sand color framed picture which a picture of a blonde man smiled happily with his hand held up to the air. The memory of his past with the blonde tangoed in his head as he willingly surrendered under that laughter that once rang his eardrum and became his flesh and bone. Max smiled at the bright face that he loved so much as he brought his fingers to the face of the static man caught behind the thin glass.

“Max! Look what I got!” A blonde haired boy ran toward him as, taking his attention from the thick book he was reading and the sight of the happy face bring up a wide smile on his own face. The short, slightly plump man jumped onto the seat beside him and announced happily. “Max! I got into the basketball team! YAY!!!” Xiah clapped his hands happily and screamed so loud until everyone threw him a weird look.

“Seriously, Xiah, you should stop before someone calls you crazy.” Max shook his head and brushed his friend’s hair before he placed his palm on the small hip that wrapped under a rough fabric of thick blue jeans.

“Nah! No one would call me that because I’m too cute!” Another circle of loud laugh broke out and Max just shook his head at the childish boy who called himself 16. “Yah! Sebastian said I would be in a good shape at the end of the month if I keep practicing with the seniors. I want to be like them. They are so cool! You should see how they play the ball. They never miss the hoop…” Max smiled, enjoying the lovely story while he watched the rich plump lips moved on its own pace as it uttered random words that rang like an excitement chatter to his ears. The cold afternoon breeze smoothen the melody of the pleasing, angry bliss and echoed in his brain that penetrated the information to his conscious thought. “…they said they can even teach me at my home since I have the hoop. The captain said he would love to help me too and guess what! Some of them even praise my move during the practice. I feel so great!”

“Yah! Congratulation Xiah.” Max hugged the thin frame as he offered a light smiled which managed to make the latter to leap in joy and jumped around the bench like a lunatic boy who just got a castle of his own, ignoring the sharp stare and mischievous whisper everyone gave him before he ran around shouting something that was too fast for Max to catch.

The moving picture in his mind came to a slow stop as it remaining rant disappear from his ear like a cavernous song and disappear completely as it lost between the thick strands of the golden raven hair. “I love you.” Max whispered lightly before he gave another meaningful glance toward the picture before he strolled away to the stairs that led to the front door and out of the apartment where an elevator stood beside the dimmed fire escape stairs. Everything is white; the wall, the floor, the door to his house and even the color of the elevator as if the world has just run out of its shade and left only the color of his orbs and hair that stood out among the whiteness of evanescence purity.

Chapter 6

“Miyavi, don’t you think the plan is too capricious? I think they expected this to happen. It is all a set up.” A brown haired man slumped himself on the leather chair carelessly as he draped his left leg with his right before a short slightly plump finger ran wildly on the wooden desk, creating a broken rhythm that managed to annoy the other man sharing the same air. Miyavi knitted his brows at the uninvited guest at his table as he slammed the 3 pages message he just received from Daniel Henney and cupped his right gripped punch with his left.

“Junki, don’t you have anything better to do than to interfere on someone else’s business?” Miyavi grinned slyly that looked almost like grimace.

Junki smirked casually and placed his left knuckles on his cheek in a mocking manner, ignoring the subtle warning given. “Aaahhh Vivi, don’t be so rude to your hyung or you’ll get punish,” The well suit man winked playfully to teased the tensioned man as Miyavi cringed at the sudden nickname.

“Honestly, I’m gonna’ kick you out if you just don’t stop,” Miyavi loosened up his dark brown tie and left it clumsily hanging around his neck. “After all, I have the best warrior in town if anything shall go wrong.” A wide sneered curved above his jaw as he pressed each and every word he said, carefully clicked his tongue in show of child’s agony.

Junki scoffed at the other man’s word as he reached for a cup of green tea on the table. “You mean Max? That dog of yours won’t be any of use against Alareisk Hengist. They are too strong, even for us. Maybe you should think over the proposal of early regrouping this year. They have given a red light. The war could have started any time now.” The red haired man drank from the cup and placed it on a small plate with a loud thud.

“The leaders are well aware of that. Daniel Henney will come to settle it.”

“The top leader’s willingness to handle a mouse affair is quite shocking. As to why he comes, he must have a good reason.”

Miyavi smiled, understanding each word meant as he rested his chin on his knuckles. “Most likely, he’s expecting something good from this. Like me.” Miyavi smiled wistfully, clearly hiding the restricted info behind his sparkle eyes and shut the other man up for a quite a minute until the pieces of their conversation fell into an unfinished picture.

“You and that bastard better not planning anything stupid against Ruki or else you will shatter like that diamond.” Junki pointed his finger to the blue diamond armlet worth millions that had a shattered stone on it.

“Of course. I won’t cause any trouble to my own organization.”

“You better be careful, man, the whole organization is counting on you and your whatsoever plan. Anyway, I heard he’s importing a new weapon from his lab at New Zealand. Rumor has it that the weapon is specially made for him and there’s only one copy of it. Guess where he gets it from.” Junki raised his brow playfully and earn the same from Miyavi but with more serious manner. “Winster Organization.” Junki’s smiled curved wider as he pressed the valuable information that managed to make the cool gentleman stiffed in his seat.

“W-Winster? Isn’t that…?”

“Yup. They are the most feared organization in the entire history of underworld. They never lose a single battle and to have them especially craft a weapon for another outside their own ring would be close to impossibility. Looks like Ruki have a top player on his side.”

Miyavi took a deep breath and sucked the air in through his gritted teeth as if to suck the news he just received along with the hot air that entered his lungs and at least heaved out silently behind his sigh. “I see. Looks like Ruki is quite persistent on conquering the North. He needs to demolish everything to do so.”

“I expect you won’t give it up.”

“I won’t give up my soul even if I am against the world itself.”

Junki pushed the chair backward and stood in front of the Triads leader before he turned to walk away. Miyavi looked up, slightly shock at the sudden exit but Junki stopped before the door tilted slight. “I hope you keep your word, Miyavi. Storm is coming. Take care of your soul properly before you lose it.” With that, Junki left the rigid man in his seat.

DATE:Monday, April 19, 2010 TIME:{3:39 AM} COMMENTS:

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